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Sunday, July 24, 2016

untitled July 24, 2016

Just another passing soul, no need to glance or see.
I just carry on this way. Head down and march toward my open grave. 
Walk by some people laughing and carrying on and ignorant,
and I despise their cheer. Nothing that I would care to hear.
I want to get as far away from here.
This place is nowhere for me to settle down these bones.
My weakness comforts my anxious tendencies,
to walk straight off the face of humanity.
I hear the cries from the battered ones, who choose to stay,
with the constant negativity.
I can't convince you, maybe you like it this way.
Your life is yours to give up to who you
decide should kill you.
But I now relinquish my empty responsibilities.
Your so called lives have nothing, nothing to do with me.
Find god on your own terms, and for fucking Christ's sake,
leave me the fuck out of your way.
I'll only disappoint this way.

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